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[Portable]File Recovery Utility
[Portable][Internet]Google Chrome
[Portable][Doucument]Notepad ++
ReNamer Portable (file renaming tool) | PortableApps.com
ReNamer is a very powerful and flexible file renaming tool, which offers all the standard renaming procedures, including prefixes, suffixes, replacements, case changes, as well as removing contents of brackets, adding number sequences, changing file extens
다중 파일이름 변경 작업을 지원하는
매우 강력하고 유연한 파일 이름 바꾸기 도구
[Portable][Internet]Google Chrome (0) | 2020.12.01 |
[Portable][Explorer]Teamviewer (0) | 2020.11.22 |
[Portable][Doucument]Notepad ++ (0) | 2020.11.20 |
[Portable][Explorer]Q-Dir (0) | 2020.11.19 |
[Portable][Compress]Bandizip (0) | 2020.11.18 |